10.4 Air Quality, Floods and Waterways

10.4.1. Marine Conservation Zones Work with local communities, scientists and conservation groups to expand the UK's network of Marine Conservation Zones to create areas specifically for the protection of mobile species as well as reference areas off limit to fishing and other extractive activities. The formation of a one million square kilometre southern Atlantic Ocean reserve.

10.4.2. Air Quality Support ambitious EU vehicle emission standards, and reform Vehicle Excise Duty to drive continuous reductions in greenhouse gas and other pollutants from the UK car fleet and return revenues to levels projected in 2010. This will include introducing separate banding for new diesel cars. Encourage the market for electric vehicles, including with targeted support for buses, taxis and light freight, and early requirements to use low emission vehicles in the public sector. We will set a target of 2040 for the date after which only Ultra-Low Emission vehicles will be permitted on UK roads for non-freight purposes. Work with industry to accelerate the commercial introduction of zero emission fuel cell electric vehicles, and facilitate the UK-wide introduction of hydrogen fuelling infrastructure. Support options for an intercity cycleway along the HS2 route, within the overall budget for the project. Implement the recommendations of the Get Britain Cycling report, including steps to deliver a £10 a head annual public expenditure on cycling within existing budgets. This will allow greater investment in cycling including bike lanes, high-volume secure bike parking, and road safety measures to keep cyclists safe. Transposition of EU air and water quality targets into UK law to confirm our commitments. The creation of Low Emission Zones as part of a national air quality plan, including a legal requirement for the most polluted towns and cities.