11.5 Defence and International Security

11.5.2. People’s Liberation Army We will place our Services at the disposal of the United Nations to be used as peace-keepers and trouble shooters in areas where armed conflict are depriving people of their civil rights and liberty. The People’s Army will have a single mandate in all problem areas – to disarm, repair infrastructure and maintain calm. It will not take sides in any political disagreement as it will disarm all parties allowing democratic elections and the restoring of military arms to the winners of free and fair elections. The people’s arm will respond to any UN request for assistance buy can be actioned by the UK parliamentary system by a 2/3 majority if the UN is unable to seek moral justice for political reasons.
. We will seek to enhance the policing role of the ‘People’s Army’ through contributions to it by other governments in the way of workforce or funding. It is envisaged that in the course of time (when the UN is truly democratic with majority voting and no veto’s) that the liberation army will come under the complete control of the UN.