2.5 Standards, Accountability and OFSTED

2.5.1 - Class Sizes Cut class sizes (they are currently some of the largest in the rich world- far greater than in private schools for example). According to OECD research, Britain is 23rd out of 30 developed countries regarding large class size.

2.5.2 - Local Education Control Academies should be run by the democratically elected local councils (and future proposed State Education Council, keep to national pay and conditions agreements. As will all over schools in the country with no exceptions.  Give domocractically accountable Local authorities clear responsibility for school places and planning.  We will only fund new mainstream schools in areas where school places are needed, and repeal the rule that all new stste funded schools, must be free schools or academics.

2.5.3 - Central Authority A central electable body will develop a framework that will feed (funnel) students from Secondary school to University in both Academic and Vocational training options. This will allow students to understand what higher education qualifications are available to them from the age of 13 - allowing the individual and family to plan the future. Universities will come under state control (Nationalised) and funded through a central 'State Education Forum'. We will centralise national planning and development policies of through a single group of experts including Education professionals from Universities, colleges and secondary school heads, with elected MP's and council and education union officials.  Ensure there is an effective, democratic accountable, 'middle tier' organisation to support and intervene in schools where problems are identified.

2.5.4 - Student Progression Students will have an action plan for their future career from 13 including all alternatives if exam or assessment is not as expect - there will be no failure in our society just other options leading to desired and rewarding career. Clearing and Secondary school entrance exams will be abolished and replaced with action plans that reflect the individual's achievements throughout their academic studies.

2.5.5 - School Hours & Nutrition The introduction of longer school hours will help alleviate poverty and social provision for poorer parents of children, by allow them to work longer 8 am - 6 pm Mon - Fri and 8 am - 1 pm Saturday, without the need or cost to find childminders. With the introduction of longer school hours the supply of nutrition will become a necessity which could be used to make sure that up to 18, students obtain a healthy balanced diet reducing the obesity crises we are currently experiencing. These free school meals will include breakfast, lunch and dinner - Mon to Fri and Breakfast and Lunch on Sat. Free school meals for 4 - 11-year-olds

2.5.6 - Secondary Education Secondary education to be based on specialist schools occupational lead rather than qualification based. This will allow grammar schools to specialise in academic, occupational areas and subjects leading to higher education to 'Russell Group' Universities to complete their education. Technical Schools will go to non-Russell Universities to study Vocational degrees in science and engineering and Academies will target students who wish to obtain degrees and Vocational qualification in the Arts and Sports industries. Halt the opening of Free Schools and Grammar Schools.

2.5.7. School Discipline Discipline needs to be restored in Schools by reintroducing corporate punishment administered by the parent. All school rooms will have CCTV and if the head decides that the pupil has acted with anti-social behaviour the parent will be invited in to see the recording and administer punishment – if they refuse the student will be tagged and a curfew will be applied until behaviour improves. Uncontrollable pupils will be transferred to the army cadets for the duration of their schooling, where they are kept and trained to ‘channel’ their anti-social behaviour into positive outcomes.  Implement the Children's Commissioner's Report 'They Go the Extra Mile' into the prevention and positive alternatives to exclusion and strengthen appeals panels.

2.5.8. OFSTED Allow ofsted to inspect both Local Authorities and academic chains.  Local authorities and academic chains which are failed by Ofsted for intervention work will be required to work with stronger organisations or be replaced.