3.6 Community Health Services

3.6.1.Care Homes and Accommodation Nursing homes to be nationalised as Primary care homes, with the resident's houses being transferred to the local council for release as council housing – they may continue to own the homes until they pass away. Expansion of ‘assisted' accommodation to include residential blocks and sheltered housing that are overseen by medical professionals so the residents can be given ‘independence’.  These blocks are to be converted into 'residential villages' (holiday camp) for the elderly with Cafe's, Bars and Resturants with entertainment. Invest £500m in providing care in people's own homes and communities, preventing emergency admissions and making it easier to discharge people after a hospital stay. Raise to professional status and training of care home managers through statutory licensing

3.6.2.  Personal Careers A 17% increase in the careers' allowance with a bonus of £250 every Christmas. Raise the amount you can earn before losing the Careers allowance from £100 to £150 per week. Introduce a five-day paid additional care leave a year for careers who qualify for Cares Allowance. Give the NHS a legal duty to identify careers and develop a Carers Passport scheme to inform carers of their rights in the NHS, like more flexible visiting hours and assert their role as expert partners in care.

3.6.3. Child Services Raise the quality and profile of children's social work, continuing and expanding the Frontline program - which is fast-tracking and brightest and best into the profession.

3.6.4.  Student Services  Develop an NHS 'Student Guarantee' making it easier for Students to get care and support while at University, particularly those with long-term health conditions or caring responsibilities. Promote social action and volunteering at school, college and University to raise the status of youth work and youth workers.

3.6.5. Food and Nutrition Restrict the marketing of junk food to children, including restricting TV advertising before the 9pm watershed and maintain the effective 'Five a Day' campaign. Enforce the traffic light labeling system for food products and publication of information on calories, fats, sugars and salt content in restaurants and takeaways. Introduce Minimum Unit Pricing for alcohol and support greater use of Local Authority powers to take alcohol-related crime and disorder.