8.7 Faith, Communities and Integration

8.7.1. Communities The first principle of a socialist organisation/country is equality – minority committees and councils will not be necessary as equality will be enshrined in Law and if anyone breaks the law then the police will have the authority to prosecute. Equality and diversity section of the police force will be established to investigate and take companies and individuals to court if unfairness is identified. Company boards and institutions will be required to reflect the proportion of their workforce including Parliament and the House of Lords. Give new powers for communities to shape their high streets, including power over payday lenders and the number of fixed-odd terminals

8.7.2. Faith All schools, colleges and institutions are to become a religiously neutral country with no religious ceremonies or associations or religious education outside the regular school curriculum. All churches to lose their charity status and will only be protected as monuments of historical importance if internally used for other purposes like meeting halls, libraries coffee shops, etc.  Work with religious and community leaders, civil society groups and social media sites to counter the narratives put forward by extremists, and create the space for the expression of contrary viewpoints and religious interpretations.